Your-name-here School of Medicine
David Marulanda

His next patient had an extremely rare presentation
of an already rare disease. He would need to tell the
front desk to clear his afternoon. He was going to
have a triad or a pentad with his name on it. That
was medical Mt. Olympia. He’d sit next to Fallot,
Virchow, Reynolds, Charcot, Beck, Cushing, and the
others. He couldn’t wait to tell his family and friends
when he got home. He could see the ballroom at the
hotel hosting the next conference. A banner with his
name on it hung over the podium. There was talk
there would be a new medical school named in his
honor. There was a rapid response with his name on
it too. Rapid response to room 89. He almost fell out
of his chair as the third call for a rapid response went
off. He had dozed off after rounds while reading the
most recent guidelines on something or other about
the kidney. Third year of medical school was a long
way away from being able to clear an afternoon.