Where Are They?
Brett Mitchell

Where are they?

I’m trying to figure it out

I see them in the streets

Walking about

But not in places where I will be around

Where are they?

Abundant in youth

But their dreams don’t flee

They’re shattered

When I’m in need, the white knight will save the day on their noble steed

Taking the credit for my physical and mental needs

When I bleed, I suffer

What they bleed is green

When I bleed, I can’t afford it

“Black man bleeds to death”, it reads

The white knight in the castle praised for their might

Where are they to look out for me

Before I fade into the night?

“Where are they!” I say

This isn’t right

I shouldn’t be the only Black male whose coat is white

Where are they?

They come in with a pain tolerance historically too high

They come in hearing jokes about their parents, like who and why

They come in seeking help like any other life

But here to save the day, comes the white knight

Residency complexions blind me with light

Where are they, I ask?

I am overwhelmed with fright

Will anyone ever get my plight?