there’s no such thing as a good day
David Marulanda

He arrived earlier than his usual early. There was no traffic that morning and all the lights were
green. The ground was wet from an early morning rain, though now the clouds were dispersing to
let hints of a sunrise peak through. The parking spot he found was also too good to be true. Maybe
there is such a thing as fate, or maybe we live in a simulation.
As he made his way from the elevator to his team’s room, he saw them all headed into his patient’s
room. He got closer and saw the crash cart and the monitor. Asystole.
“Corneal reflex negative,” he heard someone say.
“How do I fill out the death certificate,” asked another voice.
He walked into the room and found the patient staring right at him as he squeezed through a hole
in the crowd to have a look